Til baka

7 febrúar 2025

Landmannalaugar Parking Reservations for the 2025 season

The Nature Conservation of Iceland will open for parking reservations in Landmannalaugar on April 1, 2025. It will be necessary to reserve a parking spot in advance for all days between June 20 and September 14 this summer, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


Parking reservations can be made on nattura.is and on the Parka website, https://parka.is/parking/landmannalaugar/.


The reservation system is a congestion management measure that was first implemented last year following heavy traffic and daily traffic jams at Landmannalaugar.


Reservations and Service Fee


A change from last year is that a service fee will now be charged for all vehicles arriving in Landmannalaugar this summer, from the opening of mountain roads until the fall. Along with this, the Iceland Touring Association’s facility fee will now be included in the service fee, ensuring all visitors access to toilets and clothe changing facilities in Landmannalaugar.


The service fee is paid when making the reservation, but those arriving in Landmannalaugar without a reservation will be able to pay for their stay afterward.


As with last year, reservations are only necessary upon arrival, regardless of how long the stay on the site is.


The service fee for Landmannalaugar in the summer of 2025 will be charged per vehicle and will be as follows:


1-5 passengers: 1,200 ISK

6-9 passengers: 2,000 ISK

10-19 passengers: 4,500 ISK

20-32 passengers: 8,000 ISK

33+ passengers: 14,000 ISK